Bring a Lunch and Lose Weight
Save Money and Shed Pounds
Brown Bagging It Save money and shed pounds.
When it comes to brown bag lunches, most adults probably think of schoolchildren. But taking advantage of the opportunity to bring your own lunch to work can be beneficial in numerous ways.
Instead of leaving the office for a bite to eat, you can save money and avoid empty calories. The key to getting the most of a brown bag lunch is making sure you have the proper foods to give you the energy you need. A meal with a small portion of low-fat protein and small amounts of healthy fats will keep you fuller longer.
�The combination of protein and fiber from whole grains, beans, nuts, vegetables and/or fruit will give you the most satisfying and nutritious combination of foods that will keep you feeling full until dinner,� says Connie Diekman, president of the American Dietetic Association.
Portion control is another one of the benefits of brown bagging it. Fast food places often provide oversized portions full of empty calories. By creating your own meal, you can develop a reasonable portion of nutritious food.
Brown bagging it doesn�t sentence you to a life of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Make the most of your meal. Instead of the same old ham and cheese sandwich, consider boiling some eggs for protein and having a healthy tuna salad, bringing in last night�s leftovers, or keeping a small bag of carrots in the office refrigerator for a quick snack.
If you don't mind sandwiches, kick it up a few notches with new condiments and vegetables. Consider wrapping your sandwich in lettuce leaves to cut the carbohydrates.
To make sure you don't break the bank, plan out your grocery shopping for the workweek. Make a list of all of the ingredients you need to create your lunches and stay on budget. Doing so can keep you and your wallet satisfied. Brown bagging it is the perfect way to stick to a weight loss plan or maintain your weight.
Pack A Lunch Not Pounds
Let�s face it. The workweek is hectic and packing a healthy lunch every day is probably not high on your to-do list. That is why an astounding 70% of the workforce find themselves relying on restaurant food and vending machines to get through the day. Unfortunately, this midday outing is wreaking havoc on our bank accounts and our waistlines. Don�t fall victim to the fast food cycle. Packing a healthy lunch and snack requires just a little planning. And if you just can�t pack a lunch, you can make better choices when dining out. With just a little bit of planning you can create a great tasting, healthy lunch that will have your co-workers seeing the brown bag lunch in a whole new light.
Make a plan. The weekend is a great time to plan your lunch menu for the week. A few hours shopping, cooking, and packing will ensure easy grab and go meals all week long.
Don�t forget snacks. Fresh fruit is an easy addition to the brown bag. Veggies can be chopped on the weekend and put in grab and go containers. The key is making it as easy to grab healthy snacks as it is to hit the vending machine. Consider starting an office fruit bowl, where your co-workers can sign up to bring in fresh fruit each week.
Keep a stash. You should always have protein bars, nuts, protein shakes in case of emergency. Use a desk drawer to store nonperishable items. Then, should temptation strike, healthy options will be at your fingertips.
Pack at night. Assemble your lunch the night before so all you have to do in the morning is grab and go. This takes the stress out of having to make lunch during the morning rush.
Break the chains. If you find yourself without lunch, don�t hit the nearest fast food chain. Instead, find a local grocery with a salad bar. Just steer clear of the dressing, croutons, and creamy salads full of unwanted calories and fat.
Don�t forget the protein. A brown bag lunch won�t help you if you�re hungry before 3 PM. Make sure your lunch includes a protein to help keep you satisfied and help prevent the afternoon munchies. Consider tofu, nuts, nut butters, and lean meats, such as turkey, fish, or chicken.
Stay hydrated. It is easy to mistake thirst for hunger. If you aren�t drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, chances are you�re dehydrated. Keep a water bottle at your desk and try to drink at least 8 oz every hour.
Burn 100 Calories or More Through Creative Workouts
The gym isn't the only place where you can feel the burn.
Many people are interested in beginning a weight loss program in order to shed a few extra pounds, but the idea of hitting the gym every evening is not exactly appealing, especially after a long day at work. There are a number of ways that you can burn off 100 calories or more through creative, fun activities, according to
Dance the night away. If you've ever wanted to get up and move to hip-hop beats, enroll in an aerobics class that incorporates this style of dancing. Have an interest in learning the tango? Consider signing up for a Latin dance class. Although these may seem like frivolous ways to drop pounds, they can help you shed calories while having fun.
Make a splash. If you have a knack for swimming, consider doing more than just the butterfly stroke next time you're in the pool. Experts say that jogging in water can help you burn more calories. Because it will force you to exert more energy through resistance, you can quickly shed extra pounds by doing this activity on a regular basis.
Hit the beach. If you enjoy the beach, try jogging along the sandy shores. By running on sand, as opposed to hard asphalt, you can burn up to 50 percent more calories while exerting extra energy and effort.
Walk the dog. If you own a dog, getting creative with exercise is a cinch. Instead of just letting your pet out into the back yard, get yourself out of bed in the morning to take Fido for a long, healthy walk. Spending time with your furry friend is not only enjoyable, but it's also a calorie-burning activity. If you're feeling adventurous, do it two to three times a day to get the most out of the physical activity.
Remember to listen to your muscles before and after every exercise routine. This can help you make sure you aren't overdoing it and exerting too much pressure on your body, which can cause injury.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 2� hours of moderately-intense exercise per week for adults. Taking these steps into consideration can help you burn 100 calories or more on a daily basis, propelling your weight loss efforts.
Busy But Fit
The top five ways to incorporate exercise into your schedule.
For many, the biggest obstacle to losing weight is staying motivated. After a long day, the last thing you want to do is go for a run. However, putting off exercise can be one of the main reasons you're not reaching your ideal weight. While it may seem difficult to squeeze exercise into the middle of your schedule, there are ways to get up, get out and stay fit.
1. Start early. This is the best way to avoid any procrastination when it comes to exercising! If it�s the first thing you do in the morning, there is no way to put it off.
2. Don�t ignore the weekends. After working a strenuous week, many people kick back and relax. However, with so much more free time, you�d be remiss not to make the most of it. An hour of exercise on Saturday and Sunday still leaves you plenty of time to unwind.
3. Enlist the help of a friend. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to have somebody pushing you to exercise. If you have a friend or family member running or going to the gym with you, you�ll be less likely to skip a day.
4. Add exercise to everyday activities. Going to the grocery store? Park further away. Always choose the stairs over the escalator or elevator. If you have a lunch break, why not go for a walk instead of staying put? These might be little changes, but every small step can go a long way, and it�s a great way to start down the path to changing your lifestyle.
5. Don't make excuses for missing workouts. Getting to the gym or jogging outdoors can be challenging when the weather is bad and you are running on a tight schedule, but these shouldn�t be excuses for missing workouts. There are many other activities you can do to burn calories in the comfort of your home. Exercise DVDs, such as InterActive Exercise, are effective ways to get in shape if you�re short on time, traveling, or just want to change up your routine. Place the DVD near your TV and make a commitment to workout before watching your favorite shows.
Whatever activities you choose, making fitness a priority is the best way to stay fit when your schedule is hectic.
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