Weight Loss For Women: 6 Signs You're Taking Your Weight-Loss Goals Too Far - Catherine's Blog

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Weight Loss For Women: 6 Signs You're Taking Your Weight-Loss Goals Too Far - Catherine's Blog

6 Signs You're Taking Your Weight-Loss Goals Too Far

Being disciplined is one thing...

BY KRISSY BRADY November 3, 2015

When you're on a mission to lose weight, you might be willing to try just about anything to reach your goal. But here's the thing about that die-hard pounds-dropping mentality: It can seriously bite you in ass. Things like setting your calorie count too low, downing a gallon of water in lieu of snacks, and swearing off the ice cream aisle for good might help move the scale in your favor in the short-term, but over time, those strategies can make you feel like garbage and even cause weight gain. And since both of those options aren't fun, we talked to experts for the seven subtle signs you might be taking your pound-dropping goals a little too far.

Hydrating is a good thing, but guzzling tons of it in order to stifle your appetite can be dangerous, says Natalie Rizzo, R.D., a New York City nutritionist. Drinking a glass of water before having a snack or eating a meal can help keep you from overeating, says Rizzo. But watch out if you're using water as a substitute for snacking or eating a meal when you're legit hungry. The water won't be enough to satisfy you and could lead to a binge later because you're depriving your body of important nutrients, she says. Yes, filling up on water instead of food may help you shed some pounds at first, but you'll gain it all back once you become famished and start noshing again.

How much water you actually need depends on your weight and activity level, says Rizzo, but anything over two liters a day could be pushing it. Another sign you're overdoing it with the H2O: You pee more than eight times a day and your pee is consistently clear. 


Nixing all the higher-calorie foods you have a weakness for (um, hi, cereal, cheese, pasta, butter, and bread) might seem like a disciplined move, but you could be setting yourself up for a nasty fall. "A rigid fixation on what you eat can backfire in two ways," says clinical psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of Better Than Perfect. Here's what happens: You don't eat when your diet-friendly foods aren't available, so you're not eating enough. Then, you indulge in a "cheat" meal and end up eating an entire box of pasta. It's a classic case of the all-or-nothing diet mentality failing you.

Cutting way back on macronutrients, like carbs or dairy, isn't a sustainable move. Not only will you gain the weight back once you start eating that food group again, but it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, says Rizzo. "Healthy carbs, including whole grains, contain the majority of fiber in the diet," she says. Without fiber, you may end up constipated (gah!) or have digestive problems. And without healthy fats, like the ones in dairy, your brain and memory function could suffer. So just eat the mac 'n' cheese already! You won't regret it.

If you find you're exhausted and achy all the time yet are still waking up super early or flaking on your friends to squeeze in more exercise, it might be time to reevaluate, says Jessica Cording, R.D., a dietician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. Making cuts to your social life in the name of burning calories can leave you feeling lonely and isolated, which could send you into an emotional eating spiral, says Cording. Plus, who would you rather hang with: your iPod or your human amigos? Learning how to balance time with your friends, family, or S.O. with the gym time you need to stay on the weight-loss wagon is part of maintaining a healthy weight, she says.

Besides preventing yourself from becoming a hermit for the sake of the scale, your body needs breaks from your regularly scheduled workouts to repair your muscles, says Cording. Being perma-wiped can send your sweat seshes into counterproductive territory by messing with your metabolism. "When you're short on rest, it impacts your hunger hormones, which leads to an increase in appetite," says Cording.

While every woman's caloric needs differ depending on her height, weight, goal weight, and activity level, your energy intake should never dip below this amount. That's because trying to get by on less than 1,200 calories will send your body into starvation mode, meaning it holds onto any and all the calories it can get, says Cording. Unfortunately, your body doesn't know the difference between trying to squeeze into a bridesmaid's dress in six weeks and trying to survive in the wilderness, she says.

To keep your weight-loss goals on track and avoid icky things like exhaustion, brain fog, feeling hungry, and hitting a weight-loss plateau, focus on eating the foods that give you the most nutritional bang for your buck, says Cording. Add lots of veggies to your plate, prioritize lean protein, and don't be afraid to nosh on healthy fats to help you stay full and satisfied.

The number on your scale isn't the only indicator of weight loss success, and sometimes it can be the most inaccurate, says Kristen Smith, R.D., an Atlanta-based nutrition coach. Weight can fluctuate a lot day-to-day for a number of reasons, including water retention, constipation, and the timing of your last meal, she says. Try weighing yourself once a week, max, and focusing on other signs of progress, such as boosts in energy, looser-fitting clothes, increases in motivation, and a cheerier outlook. Body measurements�such as those for your waist, hips, thighs, and upper arms�are another way to mark your progress without obsessing over the scale.

Stepping on the scale daily can also turn into an obsessive habit, says Ginnie Love, Ph.D., a Florida-based psychotherapist. If you find that weighing yourself makes you feel frustrated, anxious, and impatient, that could actually make you gain by ramping up your stress hormones and emotional eating, she says.

The way you think of your body can actually have an impact on its physical appearance, says Lombardo. "Studies show that people who think they're overweight are more likely to gain weight than those who don't think they're overweight," she says. Bummer. Worse yet, mentally beating yourself up over your appearance does nothing to improve your self-esteem. Instead of focusing on how you want to change yourself, think about how you want to feel�physically, socially, and emotionally. That way, even on days when you're not-so-happy with your bod (you know, like when you're trying on jeans in a fitting room with unflattering lighting), you can be proud of the steps you're taking to be healthier.

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