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Weight Loss For Women: Five steps to weight loss - Catherine's Blog
Five steps to weight loss
BYAdam Fraser (body+soul)
Losing weight can be a psychological battle. Here's how to win the war.Obesity is on the rise and so are chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Knowing what to do about this is not the issue; the issue is getting people to actually do it. Put simply, we struggle with changing our behavior - even when faced with extreme consequences like death.
The secret to change is getting people to control the negative voice inside their head - let's call it their "sugar daddy". You know, that voice that says it's okay to eat doughnuts rather than going out to exercise? Once you have control of your sugar daddy, you can achieve any health outcome.
Here are five tips to keeping your sugar daddy under control.1
Get emotional Emotions are the number one driver of our behaviour. Top sales people say, "Logic makes people think, emotion makes them buy." Ask yourself, have you ever bought something you didn't really need or was not practical? So why did you buy it? Because of the emotional feeling it gave you. If you want to make any lifestyle change, the key is tapping into an emotional reason why you want to make that change. Often people take action when they have a wedding to get ready for or when they become a grandparent and realise they want to be around to see their grandchildren grow up.
Get over your storyResearch tells us when people start making a lifestyle change, they come up with a story around why they don't need to stick to it. Most commonly, people say their inability to stick to a new habit is not their fault. For example, "I will get back to this goal when work calms down a bit". The key is to recognise when the little voice starts to spin the story and challenge it.
Don't think too muchPeople who don't achieve their goals tend to think about them a lot. For example, say their goal is to go to the gym; those that don't get there sit on the lounge and debate over and over again in their heads whether they should go or not. Finally, they run out of time and can't go. Those people that do achieve their goals don't analyse it too much. When it is time to do their chosen activity, they just do it rather than thinking about doing it.
Control your worldOften children stick to new hobbies or sports because they have many factors in their environment which keep them accountable. These range from parents, coaches, fellow students and teachers. Ensure that you set up your world to make change as easy as possible. This ranges from packing your bag the night before training, to telling a friend that you will meet them at the gym. Conduct an environmental audit and check to see that your environment helps you stick to your change rather than constantly getting in the way.
Watch your languageEvery person who tries to change will fail at some point. The key is how they explain that failure. People that don't stick to change explain failure by making it permanent and global: "I always stuff up my diet and I have no willpower". Whereas people who achieve change explain failure by making it temporary and specific: "It was just one dessert, I have stuck to my plan all week and I will get back on track tomorrow".
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